Yin & Yang

Our physical bodies are the outer expression of the continually pulsing, breathing, changing, and moving energy of the subtle body. When our energy is  imbalanced, this imbalance often presents as a physical symptom. 

At Bright Path Wellness, our mission is to assist you in achieving optimal health. No physical health program is complete without attention to the energy of both  the body and the mind. We seek to learn the lesson found in the yin and yang. 

Seek Balance

Bright Path Wellness offers a variety of classes and workshops, online and in person, to assist you in reaching equilibrium in all areas of your life. What is Yin &  Yang? Opposite yet Complementary Energies, the Balance of which is Essential for Optimal Health! 

Thought ~ Action
Right Brain ~ Left Brain
Night ~ Day 
Deficiency ~ Excess
Night ~ Day
Deficiency ~ Excess
Soft ~ Hard
Cold ~ Hot
Winter ~ Summer
Autumn ~ Spring
Passive ~ Active
Moon ~ Sun
Valley ~ Mountain
Water ~ Fire
Female ~ Male
Dark ~ Light
Gardens ~ Houses
Electron ~ Proton
Vacation ~ Work
Silence ~ Noise
Listen ~ Talk
Meditation ~ Exercise
Intuition ~ Logic
Yin ~ Yang

“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.” – Dalai Lama